ponedjeljak, 8. srpnja 2024.

THE MAN WHO WAS PALE By JACK SHARKEY - https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/73938/pg73938-images.html

 She was just a sweet, kind-hearted old landlady

who couldn't keep her nose out of other people's
business. This was very unfortunate for Mr. Thobal.

Mrs. Tibbets was a worrier. When it rained, she worried about people caught outside without umbrellas. When the sun shone, she worried about the corn crop that might need water. At band concerts, she worried about the deaf people who were missing the music. If it thundered, she worried for the hearing of people with good ears. No matter what happened, she found something to get worried about. As long as she was worried, she was content.

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