četvrtak, 20. lipnja 2024.

FAREWELL MESSAGE By DAVID MASON - https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/73869/pg73869-images.html

 V'gu found Earth primitive and crude.

Its hydrogen bombs, for instance....

There was the alien spaceship. It squatted in the middle of the airfield's main runway, in the way of every plane landing and taking off, to the complete confusion of traffic control.

The airport people had asked V'gu, politely, to move it. He had looked at them with blank indifference, and gone on making notes on Terran marriage rites.

Nobody had suggested forcing V'gu to move his ship. The ship looked as heavy as a battle cruiser—it probably was armed—and it did not look as if it could be moved by anything short of a hydrogen bomb. V'gu, when told about hydrogen bombs, had smiled and implied that such weapons were about on par with stone axes.

The governments of the world treated V'gu with respect, and informed their peoples that he was merely a visiting student, with no intention of harming them, and should be given every courtesy, according to the best traditions of hospitality to strangers.

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