ponedjeljak, 3. lipnja 2024.

THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL By BOOTH TARKINGTON - https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/73756/pg73756-images.html#page_211

 Moving away from the teller’s grille, he made a cylindrical packet of bills smaller in value—“ones” and “fives”—then placed round them, as a wrapper, the beautiful one hundred dollar bill, snapped a rubber band over it; and the desired inference was plain: a roll all of hundred dollar bills, inside as well as outside. Something more was plain, too: obviously the man’s small head had a sportive plan in it, for the twinkle between his eye puffs hinted of liquor in the offing and lively women impressed by a show of masterly riches. Here, in brief, was a man who meant to make a night of it, who would feast, dazzle, compel deference and be loved. For money gives power, and power is loved; no

{212} doubt he would be loved. He was happy, and went out of the bank believing that money is made for joy.

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