subota, 7. prosinca 2024.

the ethicators BY WILLARD MARSH -

 They were used to retarded life forms, but
this was the worst. Yet it is a missionary's duty
to bring light where there is none, for who can
tell what devious forms evolution might take?


The missionaries came out of the planetary system of a star they didn't call Antares. They called it, naturally enough, The Sun—just as home was Earth, Terra, or simply The World. And naturally enough, being the ascendant animal on Earth, they called themselves human beings. They were looking for extraterrestrial souls to save.

They had no real hope of finding humans like themselves in this wonderously diversified universe. But it wasn't against all probability that, in their rumaging, there might not be a humanoid species to whom they could reach down a helping paw; some emergent cousin with at least a rudimentary symmetry from snout to tail, and hence a rudimentary soul.

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