The difference between climate change ’skepticism’ and homeopathy, astrology skepticism (apart from the fact that climate change is happening, while homeopathy and astrology are bunk) is that disbelieving h&a is good for you in pretty well all circumstances.
If, however, you are a reasonably well-off middle-aged Westerner, you can choose to disbelieve in climate change, and it will benefit you (cheaper gas, feel superior to environmentalists, fly as much as you like) for your natural lifetime. It’s only brown people and your grandchildren who will suffer, and who cares about them?
As someone said, what has posterity ever done for us?
The difference between climate change ’skepticism’ and homeopathy, astrology skepticism (apart from the fact that climate change is happening, while homeopathy and astrology are bunk) is that disbelieving h&a is good for you in pretty well all circumstances.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf, however, you are a reasonably well-off middle-aged Westerner, you can choose to disbelieve in climate change, and it will benefit you (cheaper gas, feel superior to environmentalists, fly as much as you like) for your natural lifetime. It’s only brown people and your grandchildren who will suffer, and who cares about them?
As someone said, what has posterity ever done for us?